Drop the Last Stone | Installation | 2025
Artists Paula Rendino and C. M. Judge will be premiering the timely community art installation, Drop the Last Stone from January 27, 2025 - April 28, 2025 at the Rivier University Art Gallery in Nashua New Hampshire. The impetus to create the installation is rooted in our increasingly hostile culture that fuels conflict and grudges to our personal and collective detriment. Grudge holding is unhealthy for our bodies, minds and spirit. In various countries around the world stoning still exists as punishment. Worldwide stoning through bullying with words is rampant. Today, it seems as if the world is on fire with hatred. This can change by the smallest of intent by each one of us. The artists invite the public to the gallery to participate in adding to the exhibit with their own reflection on dropping a grudge and placement of a stone in the ring of stones — no matter how small. Together, we all can start somewhere.
Artists Rendino and Judge have been artistic collaborators for over 20 years, both exhibiting nationally and internationally. Rendino holds a Master of Arts and Theological Studies from Andover Newton Theological School. Her workshops connect the heart to art. Judge holds a Master of Science in Advanced Visual Studies from M.I.T., is an advocate for and practioner of the Ignatian spiritual exercises and leads creativity workshops for persons of all ages and abilities.
For more information and to submit your grudge reflections, please visit Drop the Last Stone.